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Sara Schoen
Publisher: Limitless Publishing, LLC
Pages: 250

Madison Bell has had enough… All her life, she’s been called a kiss-ass and teacher’s pet, all for the crime of being a good student. Her only goal is to make it through high school unnoticed, but Linkin Phillips kills that plan. He teases Madison relentlessly and is a rude jerk in general…but what’s worse, she has a crush on him. Madison decides to shed her goodie-goodie image and remake herself. But she didn’t anticipate how deep the change would go… When she makes “cool” new friends, she realizes a fresh reputation is more than the clothes you wear. Her reinvented identity comes with dangers and challenges she hadn’t anticipated. Her situation isn’t looking much better than before, but is she ready to give up and accept the torment from everyone—including Linkin—that went along with her former image? She’s torn between her new life and her old one, and her choice will not only affect ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 26 ratings