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Greg Hickey
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 238

A future society about to collapse. A reluctant hero alone in the world. When he suspects sabotage, will he abandon his newfound friend to save humanity?Samuel has grown accustomed to the mindless routine of the last human colony. Life is good for him and the other survivors: prefabricated meals three times a day, a freshly made bed each night, and hours in between with nothing to do but play and relax. But when the machines that regulate their community begin to malfunction, Samuel and the other colonists face a test for the first time in their existence.Aided by his determined new friend Penny, Samuel struggles to repair each breakdown. But when they discover a group of shadowy saboteurs behind the colony’s mechanical failures, Samuel and Penny fear their idyllic community is not alone.Facing a treacherous journey to confront their attackers, can Samuel rescue the colony if it means ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 112 ratings