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Dave Jeffery
Publisher: Severed Press
Pages: 140

Grant Hastings was once the leader of an elite special ops team known as The Sebs. Now he’s retired, living alone in a bedsit over a pub, and haunted by the ghosts of the mistakes he’s made in the past.Then a mysterious woman turns up to entice Hastings and The Sebs back for one last mission, to rescue an anthropologist, son of an esteemed professor, who is feared to be trapped on a sacred mountain in the Himalayas, a place where the locals fear the mythical yeti roams exacting cruel retribution on anyone who strays into its domain. Unfazed by local superstition and folklore, Hastings and his team see a chance to make some easy money at the expense of their employer’s gullibility.But once they make it onto the frozen mountain, The Sebs will find that sometimes there is truth behind every legend. FROSBITE: It won’t be the cold that kills you…
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 20 ratings