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N. M. Reed
ASIN: B07372CWB5
Pages: 594

What are the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Apocryphal gospels? Relive their discovery and uncover their latest translations. What is in the Gospel of Mary? what are the Infancy gospels, and what kinds of crimes did Christ commit as a juvenile? How does the origina Origin story read? And what are the feminist Gospels and who wrote them? Follow N. M. Reed’s fictional characters as they travel on a journey of discovery. Professor Antony Jacobs is part of a team of researchers chosen to translate the current finds of ancient scrolls. As he reads them to his grandson , they discover the beauty and wonder of these ancient documents. Are these the real stories left out of the Bible? They get more than they bargained for in the antiqua dealers in Egypt, and unleash a fury of debate and chaos, which threatens the lives of Antony and his grandson, Gwydion. You decide for your-self if the ancient ...
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