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Diana Drakulich
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 215

A SHIPWRECKED CREW FIGHTS FOR SURVIVAL ON A JURASSIC PLANET The crew of the Golden Door is stranded on Rastabahn, `Eye of the Dragon'. Rastabahn swarms with apex predators, bloodthirsty velociraptors, haunted ruins and sensual, telepathic Drakons. Roxanne - the ship’s lonely co-pilot becomes intoxicated with hot as sin Drakon warrior, Zoran. Meanwhile the haunted White City lures the crew with promises of gold. But it is zealously guarded by the Rasta, a reptilian race. Like the dream of a sleeping God, the mysterious planet pulses with a mystical rhythm that seems to slow Time. When rescue finally arrives, the planet calls to the crew of the Golden Door - DON'T GO - STAY...STAY… Steamy Romance. Action-Adventure. Visionary Experiences. Stand Alone. HEA
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