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Dane Hatchell
Publisher: Severed Press
Pages: 227

Cole Rainwater isn’t your average 9th grader coming of age in the rural town of Salem, Missouri. At the age of ten, Cole has an encounter with bigfoot that scars his reality and leaves him with an itch for all things of the paranormal. His passion for aliens, ghosts, and cryptids, especially bigfoot, sets him apart from most of his classmates and makes him a target for bullies like Brennon Davis, an older player on the baseball team. With new reports of bigfoot in the area, Charlotte Meadows, a classmate whose heart Cole is trying to win, goes missing. Cole and Brennon set aside their differences as they go on a search to find Charlotte.Unknown to Cole and Brennon, a stranger travels from the future on a mission to alter Earth’s timeline. Bigfoots haunt the woods, threatening any interloper. Even more dangerous, the lure of fame and fortune entice cryptid hunters armed with high power ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 18 ratings