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Poppet, Gratitude Girl
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 261

Burgers and sweets do not have to be unhealthy foods. Cookies and cakes can be healthy too! In this book you'll find the health benefits for each ingredient, based on the author’s many years as health research writers. From turmeric chocolates, the world's best cough syrup, blood pressure stabilising ice-cream, lemon verbena toffees, flu fighting fudge and old fashioned spice cookies, to the superfood matcha humbug cookies - this book has it all. The best part is that every single recipe is packed full of health benefits to benefit your entire family! Your food can be your medicine, and it’s as easy as spending half an hour in the kitchen with a few potent ingredients. As an added bonus the author includes some of her latest research at the back of the book.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 3 ratings