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Elaine Merryfield
Publisher: BookBaby; 1st edition (July 18, 2017)
Pages: 87

Do you often struggle just trying to get through each day? What if you could replace struggle with resilience and hope---and what if you had a set of tools to help you do this? With fresh perspectives and six SIMPLE life-affirming tools to empower you, Life Beyond Fibromyalgia will help you live better again. The author, Elaine Merryfield, is a healthcare professional who has also personally traveled this journey with fibromyalgia. Within these pages, you will not only discover how to feel empowered, but also how to tap into your strengths and sources of hope, joy, and creativity. Elaine will guide you through a series of easy action steps and personal reflections as you begin to use six tools that really make a difference. As you learn the benefits of practicing self-kindness you will claim your right to a path forward that is the best fit for you. This creates a foundation for living ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 46 ratings