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Ola Wegner
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 222

Pride and Prejudice Regency forced marriage scenario. Mr. Bennet suddenly dies in a carriage accident. Elizabeth is faced with a chance to save her family with a renewed proposal from someone she considered the last man in the world whom she would ever marry. ----------------------------------------------------------------- On seeing her, he stood immediately to his feet. “Allow me to help you,” he said. Darcy took the heavy tray from her. Elizabeth cleaned her father’s desk from the books and Darcy put the tray there. Elizabeth was silent as she fixed the tea for him. “Milk and sugar, if I remember correctly,” she said. “Yes, thank you.” He took the cup from her, touching her hand lightly in the process. “I am afraid that we can offer you only a plain cake,” she said apologetically. “It is quite enough, I assure you.” Darcy drank his tea, his dark eyes wandering over the room. “I can ...
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4.5 stars from 285 ratings