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Ed Bowie
Publisher: Solus
Pages: 248

In the endless night of the Arctic Winter one man and one woman are pitted against a pitiless foe.For decades East and West have been engaged in a hidden winter war, far from the prying eyes of news drones and television satellites, a clandestine war of ambush and counter-ambush in the harsh, unrelenting darkness. A war of small, spiteful victories, of avoiding death and defeat – and holding the line.The sinking of a nuclear submarine off the Greenland coast alerts surveillance analyst Siv Jagland and NATO strategist Commander Warren to the Enemy’s latest threat to the global balance of power.Together they trek to the top of the world, survive in an abandoned burned-out base and fight a series of desperate running battles — until, finally, they are confronted by an entirely new breed of Cold Warrior.From the author of Amazon Top 100 historical thriller TOTALITYPublished in the EEA as ...
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5 stars from 14 ratings