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Dave Colley
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 131

This is the ultimate guide book for those entering the working world. Who Let Me Adult? covers the topics that the education system didn’t teach you – such as the low-down on how to get the right job, how to make and grow your money, and how to find happiness.Sections include:•Finding a Sense of Purpose•Accumulating Financial Wealth•Targeting Career SuccessDave Colley, chartered accountant, lean change and transformation agent, entrepreneur, and life coach, has had a number of “Why didn’t they teach me that?” moments since leaving the education system. He has now made it his mission to help young adults learn everything he wishes someone had told him when he was starting out in the career world. In this one concise book, Dave takes you step by step on how you can have it all.Dave was highly successful in his career being in the top rankings year after year, yet after having worked in ...
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5 stars from 9 ratings