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Walker Frost
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 104

Never In A Million Years Did This Stud Think He'll Find Love With Another ManCedric Prince- star player on the Angry Devils hockey team, international sports figure, and world-renowned playboy. And above all, right now, a deeply conflicted and unhappy man... It feels as though all of his partying and cavorting around with too many women is finally catching up with him, and not even the thrill of victory on the ice is enough to satisfy him anymore. At the advice of his coach, Cedric decides to take a brief leave of absence and get to the bottom of what's missing in his life. The best place to do this, he thinks, will be back in his hometown of Bellevue, from which he's been absent for several years now. He begins his stay by having dinner with an old acquaintance of his- Jennifer Thompson (formerly Dent), a high school ex-girlfriend who broke up with him over his two-timing ways, but ...
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4.5 stars from 15 ratings