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Robinson Lumontod III
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 52

Do you want to become a consistent straight-A student? This book is what you need. The Study Hacks aims to provide effective learning strategies that will help you achieve unlimited memory and productive school life. This book contains scientifically proven memory hacks that will allow you to achieve more success in school with less effort.In this book you will learn:•The effective study hacks that straight-A students use•The study methods that transform an average student into a genius•How to study less while achieving more•The ultimate way to become a straight-A student•The quickest ways to achieve unlimited memoryThe Study Hacks is full of actionable study techniques that your teachers may not teach you. So if you struggle at school, this is your opportunity to win your academic dream.Don't waste time. Buy now and become a straight-A student!
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2 stars from 1 rating