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Josh Xavier
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 30

A complete guide for beginners who are looking for a way to kick-start their survival knowledge. Calamities, economic breakdown, and being stuck in the jungle are inevitable. These are situations wherein you have to look forward to as they can certainly happen. It’s not a matter of IF it strikes, but more of a WHEN it happens. There are a lot of factors that may cause you to try to live in the jungle or woods, and being inexperienced in this area would mean death as there are dangers lurking in the outdoors, especially for those who aren’t informed. This e-Book is written for beginners who have little to no experience in surviving in the outdoors, this covers everything that you have to learn in order to keep yourself alive when the worse comes to shove. Basic Survival Skills Everyone Should Know e-Book has 22 solid tips and guides that are going to make a difference in surviving. It ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 20 ratings