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Judy Higgins
Publisher: Gossart
Pages: 340

In the small town of Goose Bend, Pennsylvania, people don’t forget—especially something as sensational as 12-year-old Jacob Gillis burning down the town. Nineteen years later, Jacob returns, hoping for redemption. Instead, he finds himself on the brink of ruin when he meddles in a murder investigation. The victim, a young dance teacher is the wife of Jacob’s high school friend who is also the chief suspect. When Kate, the friend’s beautiful sister, convinces Jacob that she has always been in love with him, then entices him into helping clear her brother, Jacob soon finds himself both in love and in trouble. The prosecutor, taking advantage of Jacob’s involvement, threatens Jacob with loss of career and reputation if he doesn’t play by his rules. Uncertain whether or not Kate has been telling him the truth, Jacob must make a harrowing decision.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 62 ratings