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Aidan J Reid
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC; 1st edition (February 24, 2018)
Pages: 43

His wife has been kidnapped.He's a fairy on the run.The prophecy says he alone can restore balance and harmony to the Kingdom.The Fairy Godmother might have something to say about that.Piece o'cake.(11,200)**UPDATED AND REVISED FOR 2024**-Have you read them all?THE ROT COLLECTIONPart 1: Origin of the FecesPart 2: The Tooth HurtsPart 3: Flossed and FoundPart 4: Plaque to the FuturePart 5: Gum but not ForgottenPart 6: Filling TimeJoin Ray in his adventure of good(ish) versus evil, today!
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4 stars from 18 ratings