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James Huber
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 230

A messenger stops at a pub in Southern England to relax and enjoy the evening sun. He is met by an older gentleman who captivates him with a story. The story is told from a firsthand witness to the Norman Invasion. The man was a participant, behind the scenes, with royalty and peasantry alike. He traveled the length and breadth of Western Europe and tells his tale about the people and places behind the man known as William the Conqueror. Along with the story teller there are several important people that the story revolves around. The first is a soldier who rises to nobility. Gaston Reinold is a soldier in a local nobleman’s army. He is as much responsible for the events of the Norman Invasion of England, as anyone else at the time. He will become the most important man in one of the most momentous events in European History. Back in Normandy, Gaston teaches William the arts of war ...
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