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Mike Shel
Publisher: (April 9, 2018)
Pages: 416

“CLOSER, MORTAL. YOU ARE HERE, FINALLY, TO FEED THE ACHING GOD…” The days of adventure are passed for Auric Manteo. Retired to the countryside and isolated with his scars and riches, he no longer delves into forbidden ruins seeking dark wisdom and treasure. But just as old nightmares begin plaguing his sleep, he receives an urgent summons back to that old life. To save his only daughter, he must return to the place of his greatest trauma: the haunted Barrowlands. Along with a group of inexperienced companions and an old soldier, he must confront the dangers of the ancient and wicked Djao civilization. He has survived fell beasts, insidious traps, and deadly hazards before. But how can he contend with the malice of a bloodthirsty living god? First volume in the dark fantasy trilogy Iconoclasts and a 2018 SPFBO finalist, Aching God is the debut novel by RPG adventure designer Mike Shel.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,318 ratings