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Tim Spiess
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 471

This book may shock and offend you!It will test your intellect and provide a gut-retching read giving insights you have never before considered.You will need to be secure in your beliefs to make it through, but if you can make it, and you care about what is true, it will be like a journey from a dark, cold tunnel to warm, beautiful light.Make no mistake, you will have to use your mind and reason and demonstrate some intellectual courage to get the payoff.Do you believe that the historical person of Jesus of Nazareth can show you how to enter into eternal life? If you have never diligently studied his teachings, why would you believe you will enter into Eternal Life?This author has been listening to the real, historical Jesus of Nazareth as he describes himself by his own words in the four gospel books for many years. You will be shocked at how different the life-view Jesus provides is ...
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4 stars from 6 ratings