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Vincent S. Tobia
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 60

Vincent S. Tobia returns with a collection of six new and enthralling stories. These carefully crafted tales belong to a variety of genres including suspense, horror, literary fiction and even science fiction. The Kid Who Called the Shot - the story of 91 year old Wallace Felton, the miracle that occurred, and how it changed his life forever. Modern Survival - For Stephen and his wife Marie, the pains and drudgery of taxes and bills are finally behind them. What they wouldn't give to be in fiscal prison once again... Graves - Cheyenne is pretty much a closed book. The only thing that is for certain, she wishes the coffin still wasn't. Into the Unknown - Days and nights drift into one another. The mission is all they have. White Circles - It was supposed to be a regular fishing trip -just Michael, his buddy Ryan and Ryan's young son, Jake. Now Michael wishes he was anywhere else. Those ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 4 ratings