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Kelly Moore
Publisher: (February 26, 2019)
Pages: 438

Left to die. She destroyed him. He lives for bittersweet revenge.Rebel barely survived the gut-wrenching betrayal from the woman he loved. Crawling into the bottle after she sold him out and cost his SEAL team their lives, he isn't sure he wants to go on. But when a beautiful girl resembling his ex begs him for help because someone is following her, he can't resist playing the hero one more time.Fighting his attraction to the gorgeous lookalike, Rebel follows the trail to an organ-smuggling cartel. But when he discovers it's led by the vixen who sold him out, his quest for redemption becomes a mission for vengeance.Can Rebel save the woman who needs him, or will he sacrifice everything to have his revenge?
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 647 ratings