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Zarqnon The Embarrassed
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 88

Follow the observations, questions, and musings of an autistic child full of wonder as he grows and struggles into an adult who has embraced his unique brain and how it has affected his every day life, to turn around and have his own child to teach about the world.---------------------------------------------Review:Standing on the stage, no one really watching, I say my line and interact as scheduled I see you run… you must be late for classThis “tomorrow” you keep talking about seems really interesting.When can we go there?Why is Monday orange but smell like lentil soup? Speak figuratively Interpret literally Respond abstractly Please come into my world with me, but please don’t touch anything. This is where I feel safe Please understandwhen I am overwhelmedI cannot speakI cannot writeI can only screamI am not madI am not frustratedI am only trying my best to communicateWOW! This is ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2 ratings