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Louis Tagliaferri
Publisher: Louis E. Tagliaferri
Pages: 263

It is the early 1800s and Adam Beckham is an overseer on an indigo plantation in southern Georgia. One day, Adam becomes involved in the death of a fellow overseer who he prevented from raping a Negro slave. The incident caused Adam to flee from the plantation with his wife and young children. Determined to make a new life for his family, Adam purchases a river front homestead north of St. Augustine he names Cracker Landing. In the years that follow, Adam and Stella settle down to a pleasant life at Cracker Landing with their four children. Then tragedy strikes - Adam’s oldest son Benjamin is killed in a massacre during the second Seminole War. Soon afterward, Samuel, the second oldest son, leaves Cracker Landing to stake out his own homestead in the fertile Apalachee country north of Tallahassee. When both Adam and Stella die in a yellow fever epidemic while visiting Benjamin, their ...
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