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Jane Mizrahi LICSW
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 28

You are not alone! Find parts of your story in this short story, what I like to call a vignette, as you bear witness to a stressed out Mother speak with her grade school son Teddy, who is feeling down about himself after a bullying experience. Watch them navigate this difficult conversation with the support of a therapist in the background. The therapist's teachings are from the author, Jane Mizrahi, a licensed independent clinical social worker. Surely you will experience her feedback compassionate and perhaps even helpful. Teddy, a Short Story on Bullying, is the first in a series of vignettes, each capturing different, difficult conversations between a parent and a child/adolescent, always with a therapist's support in the background. The hope in creating this series, which are also available in PDF format at, is to help you navigate your own conversations ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 4 ratings