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Patrick Hogan
Publisher: Whatnot Enterprises, LLC
Pages: 216

When the last in-country Vietnam War Veteran dies this book–and all the other books written about that war–will still be here as a lasting testimonial to the betrayal of over three million men and women who served in the Country of South Vietnam by the very government who sent them there. There are no words or deeds that can change what happened in Vietnam, just our books that detail the horrific devastations the US military command and congressional leaders unleashed in Vietnam.My book, Silent Spring - Deadly Autumn of the Vietnam War (SSDAVW) may have been written too late to help the now aging Vietnam Veteran soldiers with their toxic exposures and many diverse illnesses, but it’s not too late to help future generations of military personnel from encountering the same fate. SSDAVW is a real-life chronicle written in sorrow with hope for future generations of soldiers. It’s a surreal ...
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