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MacKenzie Wilde
Publisher: MacKenzie Wilde
Pages: 63

Hunky party-boy Doug is broke, alone, and miserable. His world comes crashing down around him after it's revealed that his sister has been wiring him some of their family's money. Hurt and dejected, Chris wants nothing to do with him, leaving him unsure of the couple's future. Doug wants nothing more than the straight-laced Chris, and the pup the pregnant man carries, back in his life. The fallen playboy sets out to win back Chris' trust, and figure out their future together.A task easier said than done. Doug's lived a life of ease and privilege in his wealthy family's massive estate, but will now have to venture forth without either. Chris is consoled by the warmth of his family, but his traditionalist, no-nonsense mother is dead-set against the wealthy man from further ruining her son's future. Doug has his own scheming family to face. As much as he may regret it, he'll need his own ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 12 ratings