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Evie Shonte
Publisher: Evie Shonte Presents
Pages: 203

Kyomi meets Cairo while on a girl’s trip and is thrilled to find out that they live in the same city so their instant chemistry has the opportunity to turn into a true connection. Kyomi falls for Cairo and she falls fast, only to be faced with a dilemma when she meets Chico. Chico is determined to have Kyomi in his life, even if that means he has to play the friend zone for a while, which is something he’d never imagined he’d be doing. Chico could have any girl in Philly but he’s set his sights on Kyomi. Chico tries to do everything he can to get Kyomi to give him a chance but she’s loyal to Cairo. Will her loyalty cost her in the end, or is Cairo actually the right choice?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 1 rating