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Crawford Smith
Publisher: Sweet Weasel Words
Pages: 292

What really happened to John Dillinger? It's 1934, and America is in the middle of a crime wave. John Dillinger, a.k.a. the Jackrabbit, has become America's first celebrity criminal. The public avidly follows his exploits, from gentlemanly bank robberies to violent jailbreaks. Many view him as a modern-day Robin Hood, exacting revenge on the banks responsible for the misery of the Depression. Having achieved the fortune and fame he's always desired, the Jackrabbit realizes that it has come at an enormous price. Now, all he wants to do is settle down with his girlfriend Billie and live a "normal" life. That will be tough to do with the FBI hot on his tail. Agent Melvin Purvis relentlessly pursues him across the Midwest, and every cop in the country has orders to shoot on sight. Now desperate to escape the life that he's created, the Jackrabbit concocts a daring plan to disappear. As the ...
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5 stars from 14 ratings