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Mayumi Cruz
Publisher: InScryb Books
Pages: 283

***** "This is a story that touches on so many levels that appeals to different genres." - Amazon/Goodreads reviewer------------------------------What if, instead of Prince Charming, Cinderella meets the Beast? A beautiful widow, a ruthless billionaire, an unsolved murder, and the Italian Mafia converge in this modern retelling of two beloved fairy tales with a touch of Hamlet. A story of love, revenge, and atonement laced with lies, deception, and unexpected twists.-------------------------------When a new widow becomes the object of a billionaire's revenge, her ugly past catches up with her, unleashing a hornet's nest of secrets and conspiracies involving the Mafia. As she is drawn deeper into the web of murder and deceit, things get complicated when she falls for her avenger, and he for her.But when the truth denied to him is found to be directly linked to her, will love win over ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 16 ratings