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Leonard Fulcher
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 52

The best tool in an emergency, is a tool you are familiar with using.·      Have you ever had to explain to someone where you are?·      Have you ever had to explain to someone where you want to meet?·      Do you travel to unfamiliar cities, towns, or recreational area?·      Do you travel overseas?·      Does someone close to you travel overseas?·      Have you ever been in a minor car accident?·      Do you hike?·      Do you like to just explore locally or even globally?If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then this book is for you.In this book, I will begin with a very familiar hiking goal for a new hiking club. In the beginning this club they will be using all the familiar tools for a hike, local knowledge, maps, and cell service.However, this is just one example. This book also helps the:·      Hunter·      Fisherman·      Doomsday prepper·      Sailor·      ...
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