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Neal Linares
Publisher: Neal Linares
Pages: 216

In 2019, nearly 88,000 people died from alcohol related causes and many today still suffer from this great epidemic. Mothers, Fathers, Children, Employers and Employees of alcoholics are victims of this grave disease. And although they suffer gravely, I am here to say that no one suffers more than the alcoholic themselves. I realize that to some this is hard to understand, but if you are an addict yourself you know exactly what I mean. My book Comfortably Insane, provideds 42 VALUABLE lessons that I learned. This is my own story of alcoholism. I drank myself out of military school. I drank myself out of relationships. I drank myself into insanity. Each time falling deeper and deeper into a mental abyss and skewed perspective: I always believed it was not my fault, and that I was not powerless against alcohol. I was, IN CONTROL! I gave sanity a shot. I really did. For eight years I ...
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5 stars from 61 ratings