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Tim Monsees, David Mayer
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 43

Stop Child Sexual Abuse: A Victim's Civil Rights answers many of the uncomfortable questions that can arise in a civil sexual abuse case. Many victims do not realize there are two types of court systems, criminal and civil courts. The criminal courts purpose is to punish the abuser and make sure he or she does not harm anyone else, while civil courts fight for the victim and make sure they receive the help they need to overcome this criminal act. It may take time for a victim to have the courage to come forward and speak with an attorney. We at Monsees & Mayer, P.C. feel a victim deserves to have answers to their questions, whether they are ready to talk to an attorney or not. This resource was written to help sexual abuse victims get the answers they need, especially if the victim is not ready to speak with an attorney.
Amazon Rating:
1.5 stars from 2 ratings