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A.G. Sullivan
Publisher: S2 Publishing Group
Pages: 334

A young adult story of a journey through time and history that begins with an unusual discovery in the vast desert of Egypt in the midst of World War II. Decades later, Will, Dez, Isaac and Amy didn't expect their summer would be anything more than ordinary...but once destiny took hold extraordinary was a better word. From the beginning, with the discovery of a vintage comic book to its finale set around the innocents of a small Cape Cod town a mystery is unraveled by those you least expect. Yet, within the clues also lie an unbreakable friendship shared by four kids. This coming of age mystery-adventure delivers the bravery found in all of us and the fortune destiny reserves for the few. Danger lurks within the shadows, but the help of a powerful gift awaits those who choose to find the hero within themselves.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 21 ratings