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K. Walker
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 130

Our high school years should be filled with beautiful, fun memories. Not nightmares that visit you every night.Our high school years should be about your first crush and your first kiss. Not meet four unbelievably gorgeous boys that make your life a living hell and melt your panties all at the same time.Now that both my parents are dead, I have been swept off to Bridal Creek to live with my aunt Celine. She has my best interests at heart; however, the rest of the family, not so much. Her entitled step kids and their crew run Bridal Creek High and they're out for a taste of my blood. But my skin is pretty thick, coming from a trailer park and all. I'll take them down one by one. I'm not afraid, but something deep down tells me I should be.Authors Note: BCH or Bridal Creek High is a young and new adult reverse harem academy highschool bully series. This is recommended for 17+ readers ...
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4.5 stars from 60 ratings