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Paul Bellow, LitRPG Reads
Publisher: LitRPG Reads
Pages: 67

Space Romans Rule the Second World!Hippy, hiding his real name and known as Hadwin, stumbles into quite an opportunity on Roma. With all new game mechanics, stats, and items to learn and master, Hippy learns quickly then takes a striking new path in the 32nd century. He is victorious at first, climbing toward even power. When the emperor of Roma Prime begins to fear his growing popularity with all the people, they attack to strip him of everything. Hippy won’t give up without a fight, of course. With a few good souls at his sides, he struggles to overcome. The end game is even more confusing.This is a short story of roughly 14,000 words. It is based on Hippy (Harry Henderson), a character in the Twelve Worlds at War LitRPG series, but it can be safely read as a standalone novel. Thanks for the interest. Click LOOK INSIDE for more information. Be sure to check out Snow Punk and Gear Punk ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 5 ratings