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Marie Andreas
Publisher: Marie Andreas
Pages: 420

Not her world. Not her body. All her problems.When monstrous hounds chase Jenna Reilly into a ditch outside LA, she finds herself thrown into a world far stranger than Los Angeles -- and trapped in a body that isn't her own.The inhuman man who rescues her has been hunting monsters, and finding Jenna is a clue to a coming apocalypse. Forces of a lost evil from the past are coming back to reclaim their land. Over the centuries, a select group of people had been in place to stop that from ever happening.One of these was the woman whose body Jenna had been slammed into.Unfortunately, the body’s previous owner had been brutally mind-sacrificed by the followers of the dark gods, leaving Jenna with no knowledge of how she was to stop the coming slaughter of the world she was now in.The uncontrolled magical powers that are growing inside her could save this world, or seal its fate in brutality ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 108 ratings