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Francis Clifford
ASIN: B087M8Z6C7
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 174

Deep in the Burmese jungle at the height of The Second World War, the British, hopelessly outnumbered, are retreating before the fanatical advance of the Japanese army.Captain Tony Gilling’s job, with one depleted and exhausted company, is to hold their advance for a few precious hours, to earn a brief but vital respite for the rest of the British troops. Far away from his bank job at home he is unprepared, deeply shaken, and thrown into turmoil by the savagery of the battle. Antagonised by subedar Nay Dun, who is painfully aware of Gilling’s lack of military experience, paranoia and wavering loyalties cast a dark shadow over an already horrifying experience. Willing himself to join in with the ruthlessness that surrounds him in order to survive, Gilling is torn by guilt when he witnesses the savagery inflicted on the men he has been charged with commanding. Wracked with guilt and ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 68 ratings