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Francis Clifford
Publisher: Lume Books
Pages: 206

Part of a small party including a corporal and six Karens, parachuted in to blow up a vital bridge, Captain John Strachan finds himself stranded in a small village. There he meets the local mission priest, Father Bassett, who agrees to assist with an operation that is now entirely dependent on absolute secrecy. Strachan, who is desperate to escape, is increasingly disturbed by the priest’s calm exterior and the two men clash over their views about the war. But when a strange and beautiful nun arrives, Strachan begins to understand their perspective of sacrifice and faith. Yet fear still overshadows his life and he is unable to accept defeat. But the painful news that emerges in the aftermath of his journey is set to haunt him forever... A powerful and deeply moving story, Honour The Shrine follows Captain John Strachan as he fights to reclaim hope in Japanese occupied Burma. Praise for ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 34 ratings