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Clarke Wainikka
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 273

FINALIST in the 2021 ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition"Addiction, recovery, rinse, & repeat is a winning formula that Clarke Wainikka executed masterfully in this dynamic psychological thriller!"It’s tough to balance an addiction to Xanax when you’re a psychologist at a rehabilitation centre. It’s especially tough when your patients are killing themselves. When Joseph Mackay is found dead in his bathtub, Annette Baker is thrust into the middle of the unraveling mysteries of Medicine River Rehab Centre. So Annette does what any recovering heroin addict would do in a stressful situation, pop back a few Xanax to deal with the anxiety and a few more when she discovers that Joseph is one of three suicides at the centre in the last three years. Annette must face the conflict of protecting her job or protecting her patients, all while dealing with a small-town journalist desperate for a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 25 ratings