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Dr. Rob Bell
ASIN: B08925WBC1
Publisher: DRB Press
Pages: 162

We all have puked. No one can avoid it.Whether you’re an entrepreneur, coach, executive, or full-time mom or dad, you’ll face setbacks.Everyone that has reached a level of success and significance has messed up and failed. There will be turmoil, hardships, and extreme adversity. It is just when rather than if you’ll encounter them. Despite our mistakes, pain, and even being told that we are not good enough we can still rally!It’s not about the setback, it’s about the comeback!In this book you’ll apply:• Why just one mistake derails the best plans, but you’ll rally if you can overcome this error.• Being told or shown that you’re not good enough is actually the key to success.• Why more people die coming down Mount Everest than climbing up.• That the process is more important than the product.• The greatest mental skill that you’ll need to comeback.• The most powerful lightning strikes ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 124 ratings