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Lazaro Droznes
ASIN: B08944HT92
Pages: N/A

Propaganda was one of the important tools that the Nazi Party used to create an appealing vision of a national community and justify war. It became an integral weapon in Hitler’s strategy. However, the Nazi idea of the “national community” masked persecution, exclusion, marginalization and discrimination of groups it perceived to be “undesirable”. They excluded from the “Aryan family”, Jews, Roma and Sinti, Germans of African descent and mentally and physically challenged Germans The Nazis tried to fill people’s hearts with hatred and prejudice and did not consider all groups a part of this community. Radios, newspapers, films, theatre, rallies, flags, banners, signs, posters, music, buttons, uniforms, books created an environment that facilitated an aggressive war, the persecution of Jews and the genocide countless minorities.The Nazi Propaganda was essential to create the “State of ...
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