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Bob Mayer
Publisher: Cool Gus
Pages: 331

New York City. 1978. Will Kane has faced down the NVA, the IRA, the CIA and the Mafia. But now he faces the most intense challenge of his life. Someone is trafficking children in New York City. Someone who has connections to very powerful people who want this kept very secret. Kane’s investigation is getting too close. But he can’t back off; not when children are involved. It’s war. And there will be no quarter taken or given.But underneath it all, the Cold War is starting to get hot for Kane and the ramifications of his actions have international implications.More importantly, Kane has to make a choice. Whether to go all out and give no quarter or stay true to the code he was trained to follow.“Fans of Jack Reacher, look no further. By the author with Jack Reacher’s background, Will Kane rings with authenticity.”
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 252 ratings