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Sarina Dorie
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 107

Fractured fairy tales for the modern reader! Step into fantasy and lose yourself in this laugh out loud collection of short stories. These fractured fairy tales are filled with goblins, kelpies, witches, and tree spirits. These stories include: My Little KelpieA changeling child who must embrace her fairy nature to save children from a kelpie in an urban setting. The Goblin King’s SecretaryThe greatest secretary in all the land has been kidnapped by the goblin king and must outwit her goblin boss to free herself from his enslavement. The Forest LordA mortal woman running away from her own personal demons stumbles upon a real “demon”—a mythological green man who she tries to help. Lullaby for the TreesA story based on Eastern European lore of vila and leshi whom try to fight their nature and fit into this modern world. And more! These short stories are comparable to Laini Taylor’s Lips ...
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