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L.S. Winters
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 43

Jo is excited to have a new best friend living right next door. They are going to have the best summer ever! But first, they need a way to get around. Jo and Alex decide that they need bikes to go on their summer adventures and they are determined to raise the money on their own. Down on Gramma Gladys’ farm, the girls are eager to work hard picking apples, collecting eggs, and taking care of a newborn calf. If they work hard enough, they will be able to afford their bikes in no time at all!Life on the farm is not all fun and games but the girls are determined to sell their goods at the farmers markets in the coming weeks. There are days filled with love and laughter and learning about life. They have worked hard on the farm but will it be enough? Will Jo and Alex sell enough at the farmer’s market to be able to buy their bikes?
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 17 ratings