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American Girl
Publisher: Weldon Owen (April 9, 2019)
Pages: 129

There’s cupcake fun for everyone in this delightful cookbook with more than fifty easy-to-follow recipes from the classic to the fantastic! Celebrate the joy of girlhood with delicious treats that are just as fun to make as they are to eat. Try carrot cake cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, devil’s food with easy chocolate ganache, or cupcakes with flavors like rocky road, cookies-n-cream, chocolate banana cream pie, salted caramel, blackberry coconut, cinnamon roll, and brown butter-honey.Once baked, you’ll find ample inspiration for decorating your cupcakes, with everything from a simple swipe of frosting and scattering of sprinkles, to toasted coconut, marshmallows, fresh fruit, edible flowers, colorful glazes, crunchy nuts, ice cream, and more.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 229 ratings