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Kathleen Guire
Publisher: Kathleen Guire, Author
Pages: 70

She finally has a family. Only one thing is missing -the friend who left her behind in the Colombian orphanage. Can Sera find her?This Nancy Drew loving tween and her new friend Mandy are itching to solve a mystery. But when Sera uses social media to track down her friend, she may get herself into more trouble than she can handle. Will she use her wits like Nancy Drew and find her friend? Or will she disappear herself, never to be heard from again? The Case of the Missing Person is the first in the series of Sera Craven mysteries. It’s a page-turner full of mystery, the dangers of social media, and the strength of family. Kathleen introduces endearing, energetic, and sleuth loving, Sera. You will hang on the edge of your seat as you root for Sera and watch the mystery unravel. Grab your copy today.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 1 rating