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C.E. Johnson
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 254

Against all my rules, there’s a woman sleeping in my house. I had no choice. It’s the only way I can keep her safe.For years, I’ve stayed beneath the surface, avoiding everyone who isn’t part of my small circle.But I couldn’t ignore what I saw at the park. And once she uses the words my father and restraining order in the same sentence, I can’t walk away even if I want to.The more time I spend with Danielle, the more I realize I wasn’t just treading through life. I was drowning.Falling for her was not part of the plan. Every touch of her skin and kiss to her lips destroys the wall I built inside of me.And now I have to save her like she has saved me before we both get dragged back under the water.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 464 ratings