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Bree Weeks
Publisher: Lone Oak Publishing, LLC
Pages: 41

A Curvy Woman, Instalove, Small Town, Short Story RomanceBettina Connelly:My parents were famous athletes when they were alive, and my little brother is destined for the spotlight too. Until then, I’m determined to make sure he has a normal childhood as best I can. When the drop-dead gorgeous new coach arrives, the women of our small town, including me, take notice. But family secrets resurface, threatening to undo all my hard work. I can’t let that happen, no matter the cost.Gabe Duncan:I finally have my dream job: coaching the son of my idol, and he has the potential to be even better than his famous parents. But when I literally run into his gorgeous sister, I fall hard and fast, and I must make her mine. She’s tough, and she’s devoted to raising her brother without all the trappings of fame. Will I be able to win her love and still help her brother be the best he can be?Feels Like ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 99 ratings