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Jeannine Colette, Lauren Runow
Publisher: (January 17, 2021)
Pages: 305

A college co-ed moves in with her brother on one condition — stay away from his baseball stud roommate."Their story was a roller coaster. It's an entertaining, easy read, and at times heart breaking. And there's humor, drama, frustration, swoony moments, and so much more. " -OMG ReadsBlurb:Growing up, I had one rule: stay away from my brother’s best friend.It was easy to follow. I spent my years avoiding the boys on the baseball team, studying hard, and saving every dime I could.When I was accepted to transfer into UC Berkeley, I needed a place to live, and my brother had a free room off-campus. Win-win, right? Except that best friend I was determined to stay away from is now my new roommate.My very naughty, very rebellious roommate, Wesley Knight.The boy who was once the bane of my existence with his constant teasing is now a drop-dead gorgeous athlete. He’s the life of the party, but ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 963 ratings