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Elle Ann Brown
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 263

Moving on was hard, especially when it’s forced upon you, but the What-ifs and Where-is-he-nows never ended for Londyn Adams after the only love of her life moved away eight years ago. Sure, she was only sixteen then, and now she was a successful CPA for a major oil company, but the numbers haven’t succeeded in numbing her mind from the details of his face. When the oil tycoon she worked for started buying out smaller companies for national expansion, Londyn reluctantly found herself flying across the country. But as a familiar but aged face sat next to her on a plane ride home, she could never be more thankful for this traveling trainer situation. Because Sebastian Gomez, the king of What-if Land, was looking back at her with that smile she memorized and muscles she’d never seen, developed while advancing the ranks as an MMA fighter. Now-what is the new question she must explore. The ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 45 ratings